
Our Services

Physical Therapy, Surgery, and Workers’ Compensation Services Across Abilene, TX

At Abilene Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, we are more than just a general orthopedic center. We provide fracture care, physical therapy, and have surgery center affiliations to get you the care you deserve. Chronic pain can be hard to overcome but thankfully our specialists can provide the right physical therapy to help relieve some of the pain. Many compression fractures need proper treatment for the bone to heal correctly. We have several doctors that can provide guidance on how to treat certain fractures and give you the best advice. There may be times where surgery is the best option so we will work with you to help find a location. Our affiliates specialize in several surgeries including joint replacement surgery, knee surgery, hip and foot surgery. Contact us today and schedule an appointment with one of our doctors today! We serve the Abilene, TX area by delivering treatments and solutions our patients need to get back to living their life!