
Neck and Back

Eliminate Neck & Back Pain With Our Innovative Treatments in Abilene, TX

Back pain and neck pain can place immense strain on your day-to-day life. If you’re an athlete, there’s simply no telling the toll these sorts of injuries can take on your in-game performance. Thankfully, with the assistance of Abilene Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, it’s possible to eliminate your painful symptoms at the source. Our certified orthopedic doctors take a multifaceted approach to the diagnostic process before rushing into any single treatment option. This way, we’re able to help our patients recover by prescribing a combination of medicine, exercise, physical therapy, and orthotics for chronic pain relief.


No matter the specific nature of your back or neck pain, our certified team will help you to gain relief. Our pain specialists have been at if for years, and are capable of uncovering the source of all sorts of neck and back issues. Learn more about the common forms of pain that we’re equipped to address.

  • Muscle Pain & Spasms
  • Facet Joint Pain
  • Nerve Pain
  • Referred Pain
  • Axial Neck Pain
  • Radicular Pain
  • And Beyond…

Types of Physical Therapy For Neck & Back Pain Relief

  • Passive Physical Therapy: These are physical therapy treatments being applied without effort from the patient. Numerous treatment methods are available, such as applying ice packs, heat therapy, massage therapy, ultrasound, electrotherapy, and others. The goal of passive physical therapy is to help reduce pain and swelling.
  • Active Physical Therapy: This type of physical therapy involves the patient moving their own body through exercises and stretches. By improving strength and flexibility in the neck, these muscles may become less painful and better able to maintain good posture, which reduces stress on the cervical spine.

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Neck & Back Pain

  • Strength Building: Physical therapy is individualized to your specific pain and your body. The physical therapy sessions are designed to build strength in your neck and back over time.
  • Increased Range of Motion: Our physical therapist will implement flexibility exercises into your physical therapy treatment plan, which will help increase the range of motion in your back and neck.
  • Pain Reduction: The main reason to attend physical therapy sessions for neck or back pain is to reduce or eliminate the pain. Physical therapy will help alleviate pain in the affected area and accelerate the healing process.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Physical therapy will help you get back to your old life before experiencing neck or back pain. Getting back into your normal routine and being able to move without pain will improve your quality of life.

Request an Appointment for Back & Neck Pain Relief!

At Abilene Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, we’ve made it easier than ever to schedule modern physical therapy sessions. All you have to do is submit the provided contact form. One of our knowledgeable representatives will get back to you as soon as possible. As always, you’re more than welcome to reach out to our orthopedic doctor with any additional questions, comments, or concerns regarding your neck and back pain. It’s only a matter of time before you experience relief. Give us a call today!